There is also a very oldschool way of learning the Cork by adding a Butterfly Twist after a Round Kick. They only utilise the second half of the backswing and are also known as boneless Corks. It can be a fun variation to play around with as it offers a lot of flexibility for combos and transitions. Cartwheel_vanish_Corkscrew for example.
As soon as you initiate the twisting momentum, try to turn around fast and spot the floor early. This will make the landing more controlled and will make it easier to transition into the next trick.
If you are not inverting enough, you are twisting too early. You really need kick up first before you twist. Drill those gainers first and then apply the Twist to that.
If you can’t make it around all the way, stopping halfway kind of like an Arbabian, then you need to work on your twisting tricks. Drill B-Twists or Fulltwists more and get used to that feeling. Tricking is all about the prerequisites.