Backflip X-Out

Backflip X-Out



Performing tricker: bam.defocus
The Backflip X-Out is a Backflip where you kick out both legs while you’re inverted and then you quickly pull them back in for the landing. 

How to get over Fear

01 Backtuck

It is essential that you have a solid and safe Backtuck, before you attempt this trick. Ideally you want to have some variations like Flashkick as well, but it’s not necessary. 

02 Back Layout

You don’t need to know how to do a Back Layout but it helps a lot. It teaches you how to get more airtime and how to spot the floor early. 

03 X-Out

To turn your Backtuck into an X-Out you simply set up for a high backtuck. The most important thing about the X-Out is timing. You need to know when to kick out and when to pull in. As soon as you initiate the flipping motion (meaning when you start to lean back), that’s the moment where you kick out. You should be completely upside down while you snap the kicks out. 


Try to spot the floor right after the X-Out Motion to ensure a safe and controlled landing. 

Do not kick too late or else it will make the landing very hard and impactful. 

Also do not kick too early as that will kill your flipping momentum. You want both kicks to shoot up straight to the sky / ceiling. 

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