Blog Post

Welcome to the launch of the site!

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  • 11 Apr, 2019

Hello my name is Linh,

and this is day one of trixnut. This idea has been floating in my head for a long time now and it is now finally beginning to take form.  The biggest inspiration for this website are jujimufus written guides and tutorials on, the tricktionary of club540 and the tricking bible from Sean Ellis. I always preferred written tutorials over videos ever since I started on, which was a board for breakers helping each other out to learn bboying. There are times when it's just not very convenient to watch a video, for example when you're sitting in a crowded bus and you don't have your headphones with you. Written articles are often times more practical and you have all the information at one glance.

Trixnut features a collection of tricking tutorials in written form similar to the tricking tutorials of jujimufu. The tricks are sorted by difficulty and ranks similar to the tricktionary on club540 or in the tricking bible. 

I am now launching the website with 33 tutorials already online and more to come! Right now all the tutorials are  beginner tricks but more tutorials for advanced tricks will follow. 

Please share this website for anyone who wants to learn tricking. I'm sure it will be helpful for anyone. 


...why the name trixnut? Well most tricks can be broken down into simple progressions, making the learning progress a lot easier. All it takes sometimes is a "in a nutshell"-explanation. Also there is a snack here in germany which is called "Erdnuss Flips". They are like potato chips but made from peanuts and it translates to "Peanut Flips". Very fitting isn't it? No? Yeah, whatever that's why the logo is a peanut doing a 540. 

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