

Vert Kicks

Vert Kicks is short for vertical kicks and they include all kicking tricks, that don't invert. That means your hips will never be higher than your head throughout the trick. 


There are way more tricks other than the standard Frontflip, that flip forwards. This category of tricks is less explored than the backflipping counterpart. Frontflipping tricks can be quite easy to learn, since there is less fear involved but can become quite challenging down the line.


It can be a challenge to learn your first backflip but it's absolutely worth it. Learning to flip backwards opens up the propably biggest category of tricking. 


These tricks describe any tricks that takeoff with your outside leg behind your inside leg. The outside leg is usually your roundkick leg. Tricks like these include Cartwheel variations, Butterfly Twists and Sideflips.


Outside tricks are tricks that takeoff with your inside leg behind your outside leg. Your Outside leg is usually your roundkick leg. Tricks like these include the Raiz and Doubleleg variations. 


These moves don't leave the ground. Adding different levels to your tricking combos will make them more interesting to watch. Many of these can be incorparated to add a surprise factor to your combos. 
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