Hypertwist is actually the oldschool name for this trick. Technically correct is the term B-Twist Hyper but Hypertwist is just shorter and pretty much any tricker knows the name.
It’s a Butterfly Twist that lands on the other leg by overrotating about 90 degrees. That is one way to learn it. Basically a more aggressive B-Twist, where you don’t stop pulling until you land on the other leg.
However there is a more simple method to learn this trick but it requires two more prerequisites: B-Twist Round and Cheat 720. Basically if you want to turn a Tornado Kick into a Cheat 720, you pump the kicking leg over (without actually kicking) and land on it, so you can then fire a hook kick. And B-Twist Round is basically a Tornado Kick with a B-Twist Setup. See what I mean? You don’t even have to hook at the end or else it would be a B-Twist Hyperhook.
You can even cleary see how my Hypertwist is actually a B-Twist Hyperhook, where I just don't kick.