



Hypertwist is actually the oldschool name for this trick. Technically correct is the term B-Twist Hyper but Hypertwist is just shorter and pretty much any tricker knows the name. 

It’s a Butterfly Twist that lands on the other leg by overrotating about 90 degrees. That is one way to learn it. Basically a more aggressive B-Twist, where you don’t stop pulling until you land on the other leg. 

However there is a more simple method to learn this trick but it requires two more prerequisites: B-Twist Round and Cheat 720. Basically if you want to turn a Tornado Kick into a Cheat 720, you pump the kicking leg over (without actually kicking) and land on it, so you can then fire a hook kick. And B-Twist Round is basically a Tornado Kick with a B-Twist Setup. See what I mean? You don’t even have to hook at the end or else it would be a B-Twist Hyperhook. 

You can even cleary see how my Hypertwist is actually a B-Twist Hyperhook, where I just don't kick.

01 B-Twist

So the only real prerequisite for this trick is a solid Butterfly Twist. If you are very comfortable with B-Twists, you probably don’t even need to do much to hyper it. To do that you need to keep pulling. You can land a normal B-Twist pretty easy with just one quick pull of the upper body. For the Hypertwist you want to keep pulling until you land. If you don’t know how that works just try a few double b-twists onto a crashmat or foampit. It’s fun and it’ll teach you how to pull the twist (got that tip from Jujimufus old Hypertwist tutorial :)). Tuck your normal landing leg in, so you you’ll naturally land on the other leg. Following these tips and practice will get you to Hypertwist. 

02 B-Twist Round

If you struggle with the Hypertwist and it won’t click, I suggest you to learn the B-Twist Round first. It’s also a B-Twist variation so it’ll improve any other B-Twist variation and it can be changed into a Hypertwist easily. Do it a little bit more vertical, so it feels like a Tornado Kick. 

03 Cheat 720

The one with the Kneepump. It’s basically a Tornado kick where you pump over instead of the Roundkick. This will make you land on the hyper leg, so you can hook kick out. This works by turning your hip over with the knee.  You will use this same pumping technique for the Hypertwist. 

04 Hypertwist

Now you apply the same technique to your B-Twist Round. Instead of firing the roundkick you pump over with your knee, to land on the other leg. That’s it. At first your Hypertwist can be a bit too vertical, but just keep drilling this and then add more and more lift with your backleg until you’re horizontal. 


The Hypertwist can be very tricky to learn if all you have is just the B-Twist. It was very hard for me, because normal B-Twists felt way too natural for me and thus hypering it felt very unnatural. But Cheat 720 were second nature for me so treating it like that was way easier. 

But of course it may be different for you. Just rotating a bit more while tucking the ‘normal’ landing leg in is not that complicated and may work better for you.

It helps a lot if your B-Twist has a good amount of flatspin. That means your toes should land facing the way you came from. 

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